Our setting recognises parents as the first and most important educators of their children. All staff see themselves as partners with you in providing care and education for your child.
Staff at the nursery are available to offer support and advice, enabling you to leave your child secure in the knowledge that they are being well looked after.
We welcome any contributions or suggestions you care to make about the nursery so the children can be encouraged to learn to the best of our ability.
Establishing relationships is key right from the start so we link each child and family to a key person. We operate a system of ‘Paired and Shared’ key caring where each key person works closely with their own group of children, but also works alongside a partnered or ‘paired’ carer. In our setting, where staff only work some of the sessions during the week, ‘paired and shared’ key caring is all the more relevant. Key persons will take a special interest in your child and family, building links and preparing a learning story of your child’s development and experiences through their time in nursery.

During their time in nursery, each child has a ‘Learning Story’. We use photographs and observation notes to record significant learning and development stages as well as capturing the day-to-day play and interaction in nursery. The ‘Learning Story’ is a celebration of your child’s achievements and interests as well as their learning and development. They are a record of what your child says, perhaps a reaction to something new, to something unexpected or a kind thought or word. We want these to show us about an event from your child’s perspective. We want these to be a beautiful reminder about your child’s time in nursery. They also help staff to plan new, relevant and motivating experiences for each child.
Playplus Nursery offers government funded universal entitlement of 15 hours a week for all three and four year olds. In addition, we offer 15 hours a week for eligible two year olds including the working parent entitlement and the extended funding of up to 30 hours per week for 3-4 year olds for families who are eligible.
Please access the Childcare Choices website https://childcarechoices.gov.uk to check your eligibility and access a code which nursery will need to be given in order to claim funding. All funding can be used flexibly to allow for longer sessions within the 15 hour entitlement, and within our opening hours. We are happy to discuss individual requirements to ensure that, as far as possible, the free provision is convenient to parents/carers working hours. Parents must obtain their eligibility code before the start of the claim period that the child is due to start and must be reconfirmed every 3 months.
For those parents that choose to pay for their sessions (i.e. not eligible for funding, or for additional hours), the opening times are the same. Please contact us for current hourly rate. We are a registered provider for the Government Child Care Tax Free Credit Scheme.
Playplus Nursery policies and procedures apply to everyone visiting the setting whether it is staff, students, volunteers, visitors, as well as children and parents registered with or attending our setting. We recognise the importance of providing clear and effective policies and procedures. These are reviewed on a regular basis according to the requirements of the EYFS.
Please contact the manager for more information.