About Us 1a




We are open for 38 weeks per year, in line with Norfolk County Council’s term dates, at the following times: –

Monday 08:30 – 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 – 15:00
Wednesday 08:30 – 16:00
Thursday 09:00 – 15:00
Friday 09:00 – 15:00



The Nursery is owned by Mrs Dawn Howes and managed on a daily basis by Miss Kayleigh Elvin. We maintain the ratio of adults to children in the setting that is set through the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.  The Nursery currently employs five members of childcare staff. Of whom, four hold appropriate early years qualification at level 3.  All childcare staff hold a valid Paediatric First Aid certificate.  All adults who work in our setting have undertaken an Enhanced DBS check.

Quality professional development and training is regularly accessed by staff.  In addition, we receive practical advice and up-to-date information from locally based cluster meetings, workshops and conferences.



Parents may register their interest for a place at Playplus Nursery at any time by completing an Admission Request form.  Your child’s name will then be added to our waiting list.

Playplus admits:

  • Funded 2 year olds from the start of the term following their second birthday (subject to an eligible 2 year old funding code)
  • Unfunded 2 year olds from the date of their second birthday
  • Funded three and four year olds from the start of term following their third birthday. (30 hour places are subject to an eligible 30 hour funding code)



About us 3
About us 2
About us 5
About us 4

SEND (Local Offer)

Playplus Nursery is available to all children and their families regardless of their needs.  We are committed to providing all children with the opportunity to develop and learn through play making reasonable adjustments for children with SEND.  Our setting is single storey and has full disabled access and toilets.  We have a designated member of staff responsible for special educational needs.  Staff are updated with new legislation and information and attend individualised training when needed.  We work closely with parents and other relevant agencies in order to help further the learning and development of any child with additional needs.  We strongly encourage all prospective parents and children to visit us so we can begin to get to know each other.  For further information or to request a copy of the SEND/Inclusion policy, please contact us.


We aim to meet all the requirements of The Equality Act 2010 by eliminating unlawful discrimination, ensuring equal opportunities for all whilst using our setting and promoting good relations between all our users.  We will ensure that our service is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children.  We recognise that children and their families come from diverse backgrounds.  All families have needs and values that arise from their social and economic, ethnic and cultural or religious backgrounds. Children grow up in diverse family structures. Some children have needs that arise from disability or impairment.